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  • Do NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OR CAFFEINE (coffee/tea/soda etc.) within 24 hours before the procedure.

  • Do NOT TAKE Advil/Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Niacin, or Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen 48-72 hours prior to your procedure.

  • Botox near the brow, forehead and temple area should be avoided 4 weeks prior to your procedure.

  • Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure and avoid on brow area post procedure.

  • Do not tan 3 weeks before or 3 weeks after the procedure.

  • Avoid Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes and “Hair, Skin, and Nail” Supplements one week prior to the procedure.

  • Do not have any type of facial peel or microdermabrasion 1 month prior or after procedure.

  • Please avoid waxing, tinting, and/or threading at least 1 week before your procedure.

  • You may NOT get the area wet or apply any kind of products (except what is provided on the aftercare instructions) for at least 7-10 days after. No makeup on the area for at least 2 weeks.


**Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.


Expect the tattooed area to be significantly darker and sharper immediately following the procedure. Color with lighten 30% - 50% throughout the 7-10 day healing process. Permanent Makeup typically requires multiple appointments for desired results. The touch up is recommended between 4-8 weeks after the initial session. Some people might require more than one touch up. All results vary.




Failure to follow aftercare instructions may result in infection, discoloration, and/or pigment loss.

Aftercare compliance is essential to obtain the best results. Please abide by the following for 10 days or until all of the peeling is done:​


  • Brows will go through a series of darkening, scabbing, flaking, and fading during the healing process. Do NOT panic, this is normal.

  • Use the after wash provided to cleanse the brow area twice daily. Gently apply the soap with a clean fingertip, then pat with a damp cotton pad to remove.

  • Apply a rice sized layer of aftercare ointment using a q-tip, after cleansing the brows or whenever the area feels dry and/or itchy.

  • Keep the treated area free of heavy water, active ingredient cleansers, creams, makeup, or any other products.

  • Avoid working out, sauna, swimming, tanning, or anything that causes excessive sweating.

  • No waxing, tinting or threading the brows.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure.

  • Avoid Retin A, Renova, Alpha Hydroxy, Glycolic Acids, Aloe, and Vitamin E products.

  • If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI, or other medical procedures inform them that you have had an iron oxide cosmetic tattoo.

  • You must wait 1 year after any tattoo to give blood. This is state specific – you can check on the American Red Cross to see the rules for your state.

  • If any signs of infection occur, abnormal swelling, redness or pain associated with the procedure, call your physician and please give us a call.


Permanent makeup healing is subjective based upon several personal factors, including client skin type and lifestyle. Please allow the full 4 weeks for brows to completely heal. Adjustments can be made during the touchup. Multiple touchups may be necessary at an additional cost.

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